Know-How / Show-How Open Program
All lectures are open, and in English
Smart Fab Lab at The University of Architecture Civil Engineering and Geodesy (UACEG), 1 Hr. Smirnenski Blvd, Sofia
7 – 7:30 —7:50 p.m.
Lecture: “Growing houses with mushrooms and water harvesting” Craig Harper – microbiologist (GB)
hall 226 at The University of Architecture Civil Engineering and Geodesy (UACEG), 1 Hr. Smirnenski Blvd, Sofia
7 – 7:15 p.m.
Film screening: ‘Blue Stone’ / video, Mariko Kuwahara, (NL)
Spoken in Japanese with English subtitles
7:30 – 7:50 p.m.
Film screening: “The end of ownership” / dir. Frank Wiering, production of the Dutch documentary channel VPRO
Spoken in Dutch with English subtitles
14.07.2017, 7 p.m.
At the University of Architecture Civil Engineering and Geodesy (UACEG), 1 Hr. Smirnenski Blvd, Sofia
Workshop Presentations
Showing the result from the workshops of Maria Blaisse/ ‘Designing with Emergence’ and the Odd Matter ‘UN-I-FORM’
(follow our online platforms for additional information)
15.07.2017 – 2 p.m.
Generator, 47 Cherni Vrah Blvd, Sofia
Know-How / Show-How Podium
RE-Source / The building as a material
2 – 2:30 p.m. / Welcome coffee and registration
2:30 p.m.- Official opening and Introduction by the moderators – Adriana Andreeva and Boyana Gyaurova (Studio Komplekt)
2:45 p.m.- “Material resource efficiency in construction” / Dr. Rumyana Zaharieva, Associate Professor at UACEG, Sofia
3:30 p.m.- “Fail” / Georgi Manassiev (BG) and Els Woldhek (NL) Studio ODD MATTER, Amsterdam
4:15 p.m.- “Earth construction: Materials, techniques and building maintenance” /Varvara Valtchanova, architect Zemnostroitelstvo
5 p.m. – coffee break
5:30 p.m. – “Тhe emergence of form“/ Maria Blaisse (NL), research and education in textiles and flexible design Maria Blaisse, (NL)
6:15 p.m.- “Slow research: particle and universe” / Carolyn F. Strauss (USA/NL), curator and educator Slow Research Lab
7 p.m – / Creative discussion with all participants
About the program
Know-How / Show-How is an independent educational platform focused on shaping innovative modules for arts and design education. Since 2015 we have been organizing a special summer program in Sofia, Bulgaria, which offers an intensive workshop series around a specific topic.
The workshops are accompanied by an open side program inviting curious practitioners to know more about the topic in question through talks, exhibitions, screenings, and performances.
We aim to establish a moment of intense learning through exchange and practice, and help establish connections between different practitioners and organizations across borders and disciplines.
Re-Source, the building as material is the topic of our 2017 edition. We will investigate the potentials of the materials that surround us in free and playful ways. We will look into ‘material’ as a connecting element between people and places, between natural processes and technical knowledge. Inextricably linked to this are the considerations of responsibility and how we can deal with the ethical and ecological consequences that are connected to the choices we make.
The workshops will be guided by practitioners of splendid, courageous and independent stance: Maria Blaisse(NL) and Els Woldhek & Georgi Manassiev from the studio Odd Matter (NL/BG). During a one-day discussion Podium Bulgarian experts will join international researchers to dive deeper into the theoretical and conceptual aspects of the topic.
The 6 days program consists of 2 five-days workshops and an open evening program of lectures, presentations and movie screenings, with discussions and networking events. An additional public Lecture-day [15.07] will take place with special national and international guests speakers.
– dialogues between nature and culture – observe existing craft with new eyes – playful processes of design – material connections – developing slowly – the biodegradable objects – local material / local knowledge: implementing into our current practice of architecture.
For Who:
All non-conventional thinkers, authors, professionals or students, active in the field of communication design, photography, illustration, publishing, fashion, performing arts, architecture, theoretical research, humanities, or any other discipline.
Each participant will be able to follow one 5-day workshop and have access to all elements of the side program.
Our main working language will be English.
The workshop program will be hosted by The University of Architecture Civil Engineering and Geodesy which will provide their inspiring space and material for our creative working processes to take place.
Tuition fee:
The tuition fee for participation is 150 euro.
It covers:
– participation in 1 five-day workshop;
– materials for the workshop;
– theoretical program with lectures and discussions;
– bread + extras, water, coffee and tea;
– one dinner and one lunch;
– certificate for completing the program;
– inspiring atmosphere, field trips, Bulgarian spirit and more.
The travel cost, accommodation and food are not covered in the fee (the minimum expenses a day + accommodation in Bulgaria are approximately 35-40 euro)
Recommended hostels:
Hostel Mostel
Sofia guest house
Art Hostel
workshop: UN-I-FORM
tutors: studio ODD MATTER is Els Woldhek & Georgi Manassiev (NL/BG)
when: 10 – 14 July 2017
The building of our host, the University of Architecture and Geodesy, will serve as our mining ground for materials. We will invite participants to explore the possibilities present in these surroundings, to experiment with them and connect to existing techniques of production and craft. In this one monumental space there are so many opportunities available that give access to knowledge. Let us find these pluriform facets and turn them into new Un-I-Forms.
We will guide you through this process and introduce you to our Odd Matter way of working; offering new and playful perspectives on contemporary product development.
(images from Odd Matter’s projects: deposit, mass, OVII)
workshop: Designing with Emergence
tutors: Maria Blaisse (NL) in cooperates with Bob de Graaf
when: 10 – 14 July 2017
The workshop starts with an exploration in natural resources in and around Sofia.
Examining the growing processes of natural materials, sensing the qualities of shaping, moving and interacting with these qualities. We will take these experiences to broaden experiments with other materials and media where form, movement and body will relate to the space in and around the university of architecture in Sofia.
In short, we will:
– get insights into specific laws of nature;
– find our individual understanding of the complexity and simplicity in form and matter;
– develop a skillfulness working with one material and awaking us to its endless possibilities as a potential gateway to architectural solutions;
– align the design process with the living qualities inherent to matter and form connected to the bigger picture of the ecologies we are operating in;
(images from Maria Blaisse’s projects: Bamboo in motion, Listening to form, Gomma, Kuma Guna)
Maria Blaisse
For the past 30 years Maria Blaisse has been at the forefront of research and education in textiles and flexible design.
Using contemporary materials and processes, such as neoprene rubber, foam polyamides, vacuum moulding and lamination, Blaisse creates non-woven forms for the body that are poetic and deceptively simple. Her collaborations with designers such as Issey Miyake and costume designs for theatre and dance companies have resulted in the creation of objects which not only change the appearance of the wearer, but adapt to the movements of the human body, while retaining a sculptural life of their own.
Blaisse’s interests lay in the intersections between art and fashion, incorporating video, performance and photography, in an exploration of sculptural performance with the body as a critical element in the animation of material form.
(photo courtesy of Anja Hitzenberger)
Els Woldhek & Georgi Manassiev (NL/BG)
ODD MATTER is a design studio driven by curiosity for all the strange and wonderful. Researching, probing, creating and exploring our world’s past, present and future through its materials, processes and concepts.
Odd Matter are Bulgarian born Georgi Manassiev and Dutch native Els Woldhek. They established their practice in Amsterdam,
The Netherlands, after having lived and worked for the past six years in London, where the pair met whilst undertaking their MA studies in the Design Products department at
The Royal College of Art. The pairs common interest in the borders of creation, process and material has put them on a shared path. One that operates across a wide range of disciplines and seeks to work with existing industries to create products, interiors, concepts or unique commissions more true and telling of their creation and ‘will’.
The studio believes that by working with existing processes and notions, researching these from a different more naive perspective a different kind of products can be created. Unique and specific to the place they originate from.
The studio boasts an impressive international recognition through commission work for exhibitions and festivals (SEEDS gallery, Vessel gallery, Schloss Hollenegg, Nomad Monaco, Milan Design Week, London Design Week, Villa Noailles Design Parade) and media coverage (Dezeen, Wired, Sight Unseen).
Bob de Graaf
Bob will be cooperates with Maria Blaisse in this edition of the Know-How/ Show-How. Hе graduated from the Design Academy Eindhoven / the Netherlands in 2012. Since then he lives and works in London (UK) where he has been working for several renowned design studios and, as a freelance designer, on product, Interior and exhibition design.
Last year Bob and his partner Somya Singh founded design brand To&From, a brand that works closely with craftsman in India and focusses on the collaboration of makers and designers, while communicating through material and skill. toandfrom
Bob has assisted Maria before, on several workshops in BoisBuchet /France.
T: +359898735772; +359887455241
KHSH Summer program is a collaboration between cultural and design enthusiasts from the Netherlands and Bulgaria. The team consists of Dima Stefanova, Henk Groendijk, Lotte van Gelder (Know-How Foundation, Amsterdam), Studio Komplect Adriana Andreeva, Boiana Gjaurova and Anita Tabahneva (Studio Komplekt, Sofia).
The Know-How Show-How Summer Program is supported by the National Fund “Culture” / Mobility program and by the Sofia Municipality, Program Europe, 2017.
If you find what we do valuable, please consider supporting us. Get in touch and we will discuss the possibilities. Thank you.